Friday, November 30, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff - Get Your Parachutes Ready

The Fiscal Cliff is all that is being talked about. The cliff is coming up...can we avoid it...will our leaders agree to avert disaster....who's to blame??

Let me make it clear. We WILL go over the so-called Fiscal Cliff. It's all part of our dear leader's plan. I've said this before but since it's such a hot topic it bears repeating. Barack Obama is a Marxist. He believes in Socialism and will do what he can to guide America into a Socialist nation. In Marxist philosophy, the Middle Class is evil. Well all classes are evil, but you need to destroy Capitalism like a pyramid. You take out one level at a time.

The next level is the Middle Class. Is there any wonder why then that policies such as Obamacare hurt the Middle Class? That is what Obama wants.

Now he came up with this Fiscal Cliff plan. Originally intended to be so destructive that it would force the two sides to compromise, Barack Obama has made compromise all but impossible. The news today is that his plan is laughable in it's ridiculousness. It's meant to be. Obama doesn't want a compromise. He wants to drive us all over the cliff in order to drive us closer to Socialism.

He has made his deal so one-sided that Republicans will never agree to it. Charles Krauthammer said Robert E. Lee was offered better terms at Appomattox. (If you don't know what that is, go to the penelty box and feel shame. And read a history book while in there.) If, by some combination of guilt and fear for their political future the Republicans agree to his terms, they will be agreeing to a plan designed to only increase Socialism even more. Either way, the road we're on leads to Socialism at the direction of Barack Hussein Obama.

And it's really a win-win for B.O. He gets to push America off the cliff, smashing the Middle Class, and he gets to blame it on his opposition. Once America starts to feel the pain, they will look for someone to blame. And B.O. can say with a smile, "Hey, I had a plan that would save you. It was the evil Republicans who don't care about you. I wanted to save you. They only cared about the rich." And America will explode in anti-Republican sentiment that will only hasten the Democrat-Socialist takeover.

And once the Middle Class has been destroyed, pushed back down into the Lower Class (that's Socialism's goal-one class; and history shows that class is poor), the Democrat-Socialist règime will set it's sights on the next level of the Capitalist Pyramid, determined to destroy all classes in America. That won't happen for a few years though. For the next few years, they will focus on crushing the Middle Class in which most of American's reside. We will go over the Fiscal Cliff. Get your parachutes ready.

The Alliance Starbird - A Symbol for America's Future

I decided the other day that I should add a profile picture here. Due to the nature of the blog, I wanted something symbolic, rather than a picture of myself or something random that I liked. There were so many options, it was hard to choose just the right one. But a few days ago, I found it. The Alliance Starbird.

Most will probably recognize it as the insignia of the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars. And many will probably think that it's just a symbol from a movie. While I have no problem with people realizing that I'm a Star Wars fan, I want people to know the deeper meaning of that symbol, and why I think it's perfect for this blog and the future of America.

For one, the full name of the rebel alliance was the Alliance to Restore the Republic. You see, the story of Star Wars is the story of the Fall of the Republic. In it, a duplicitous and corrupt senator manipulates his way into becoming the Supreme Chancellor...our equivalent to the president. He then proceeds to amass more power in himself over the course of the next few years, wresting it away from the Senate. Sound familiar? In America today, Barack Obama (another duplicitous and corrupt senator) has manipulated his way into becoming president. Over the past few years he has ceded more power in the presidency than at any time in American history, bypassing Congress any way he can.

In Star Wars, the Chancellor (Palpatine) is an extremely popular figure, throughout the Senate as well as the populace. His attempts at gaining more power are all done in the name of the security and well being of the people, and only a small group fear that it will be bad for the Republic, and freedom. Most cheer him on as a hero as he continues to amass more power in an attempt to more smoothly run the government. Again, sound familiar? No politician has been as revered in America as has Barack Obama. He is even considered to be a savior to some, a man extremely popular in both the Congress and the country. All the while he continues to gain more and more power, and it seems only a few are worried about the consequences of having such power in one branch of the government.

In Star Wars, the Chancellor Palpatine feigns an assassination attempt in an effort to destroy his enemies and those standing in his way to absolute power (namely the Jedi). He declares himself Emperor, and plunges the galaxy into darkness. For the next 20 years, he rules with an Iron Fist. He arrests, tortures, and kills any detractors. He uses fear and coercion to keep the people in line. Originally keeping the Senate in a purely symbolic fashion, he eventually abolishes it and gives direct control to his hand picked "czars." His reign is called the dark times. Now I don't believe that Obama will declare himself Emperor, but he is definitely paving the way for someone to do so in the future. His policies, endless Executive Orders, and the way he is revered without question or thought are all paths towards tyranny. Anyone with a mediocre knowledge of history can tell you that. The eminent collapse of the American Republic can only lead into dark times for our country. The government will only continue to become more intrusive and controlling until America becomes a totalitarian state where freedom is limited and liberty is rare. Socialism knows no other way.

In the world of Star Wars, a group of freedom fighters emerged out of the despotic reign of the new Emperor. They became the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Their goal was to overthrow the Emperor and set up a new republic that would once again restore freedom to the galaxy. As their symbol, they chose the Starbird. It represented a phoenix, the mythical creature who would rise from the ashes. The Starbird symbolized freedom and justice. But most importantly, it symbolized hope. The hope that they would be victorious in their battle against the Evil Emperor and that a new Republic would rise out of the ashes of the defeated Empire. In America today, we are witnessing the last days of the Republic. Much like in Star Wars, an evil and corrupt faction has gained control of the government, and it isn't too far fetched to believe the outcome will be the same as in Star Wars. Our Democratic Republic is quickly becoming a Socialist Republic, and Socialism, as history bears out, only leads to totalitarianism. It stamps out individual freedoms and seeks to eliminate any rights except those it grants.

I do believe America is headed into the dark times. A time when freedom as we know it will be eliminated. Our corrupt government will eventually crack down on the people in a physical and violent way, as all totalitarian systems do. During these times, we need people who will fight to restore not just the Republic, but the ideas that the Republic stood for. We will need hope that freedom can be restored. I'm hoping it can be done so without a physical rebellion, but only time will tell. Perhaps I'm just a Star Wars nerd, but to me the Alliance Starbird is the perfect representation of what the American future will need. I will fight to restore the Republic. It might seem cheesy, but that is why I think the Starbird is perfect for this blog and for the future of America.

"We need a flag to rally behind. A symbol. A symbol of hope." - Leia Organa

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crying Racism

When I was a kid, racism was a word that was rarely thrown around lightly. It had a serious meaning and was considered a serious topic. The election of the first black president was supposed to be another sign that racism was a thing of the past. Unfortunately, the first black president is a Marxist who's goal is to destroy the middle class. Race warfare is just another side of class warfare. The goal is to divide and conquer, and the Communists in D.C. are using any means necessary to do just that.

And so, racism has suddenly become the hot word. In 3 days, I've seen the words urban, Chicago, and incompetent now all mean racism, apparently. Susan Rice is only being questioned because she's black. And if you like the white meat of the turkey, you're a racist. It's as if all of the jokes made about racism have now become serious. Like when I'd be at Subway and ordered my sub on white bread and my black friend would say, "You racist!" and then we'd laugh about it. Now, people would actually consider me a racist for ordering white bread! I mean, seriously!?

Personally, I think that racism is one of the stupidest things on Earth. Judging a person based purely on a physical characteristic that they have no control over is absolutely moronic. Like the Irish guy in Gettysburg says, "Anyone who judges a people as a whole is a peewit. Men are each unique and you have to take 'em all one at a time." I couldn't have said it better!

However, now the people that are yelling "racist!" at every turn are doing the exact same thing. I just saw that Ken Burns recently said that the Tea Party and secessionists are racists. Has he sat down with every Tea Party member and secessionist? If not, than he is doing exactly what racists do. Judging a person you don't know based on one thing...hmm, that sounds like RACISM doesn't it?? And every TV personality, pundit, actor, or anyone else who is declaring this or that as a sign of racism is acting just as ignorantly as actual racists. And they are spreading just as much ignorance as actual racists do.

Now don't get me wrong, racism is a real thing. Minorities, especially blacks, have been discriminated against in the past and it's important to remember that in order to make sure that it never happens again. I have no problem with someone bringing up the idea that racism may have a part in something, so that it can be determined whether or not it actually does. But what I do have a problem with is the declaration that someone is a racist based simply on one thing or another. At this point, I don't even take the word seriously anymore. There was a time when, if called a racist, I would vehemently disagree and then state my facts. Now, I just accept it....much like I would accept someone calling me a hater of pickles. I enjoy pickles, but it's not such an important issue as to argue about. I'll just keep eating my pickles whilst you go on about how I hate pickles. The cry of racism has suddenly entered the same realm of importance as eating pickles. (Which is a sad state of society indeed!) So you go ahead and call me racist because I don't like Barack Obama's Marxist policies, support the Tea Party and idea of succession, and eat white meat at Thanksgiving...and I'll just keep on hanging out with my friends of a "minority race." Who, by the way, I judge by the content of their character and not the color of their skin...just like I do everyone.

Crying racism for everything is only going to end up like the boy who cried wolf...someday an actual racist is going to discriminate against a "minority" and no one is going to pay attention because the cry of racism is already getting old. So in essence, all these people crying racism for everything are doing is helping out the actual racists. Remember that for the next time someone calls you a racist for a completely inane reason, and enlighten them on how they are acting like, and helping, racists!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The 45 Communist Goals for America

While listening to his radio thing on Holger Awakens the other day, I first heard about the 45 Communist Goals for America. Having never heard about them before, I've been perusing them the past few days...and wow... I know the U.S. has slowly turned into a Socialist nation, codified by the election of Barack Hussein Obama, but I had no idea how the Communists have infiltrated and instituted their own goals here in America for the past 50-some years. This list was first discovered in the book 'The Naked Communist,' by researcher Cleon Skousen, all the way back in 1963! Since then, the Communists have done a bang up job of taking down the American Republic from within. I've added emphasis to highlight some of their biggest victories as well as some of my own comments in parentheses. Some of these are outdated, of course, but the majority still apply.

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. (Check.)

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. (Check.)

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. (Check.)

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. (Check.)

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow.) (Big time check.)

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. (Check. The Communist Party of America is alive and well. They even endorsed Barack Obama for president.)

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. (Big time check. The Democrat Party is pretty much the new Communist Party. The Republicans are well on their way.)

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. (Check. Can you say ACLU??)

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. (Check, check, and check. The public school systems in America, especially colleges/universities, are breeding grounds for Communist ideologies.)

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. (Check!)

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. (Huge check!)

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." (Check!)

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." (Huge check. I always wondered how a pile of dog crap can be labeled "art." Now I know. Damn Communists.)

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. (Check. Although it's quickly being replaced by blasphemy laws censuring any "obscenity" towards Islam.)

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. (Check!)

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." (Wow. Check, check, and check.)

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." (Check!)

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." (Big time check!)

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. (Huge check. Or you could just call it "fluid" like Barack Obama.)

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." (Check! Once considered American heroes, the Founding Fathers are now being discredited at every turn.)

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. (Check.)

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. (Big check.)

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. (Check.)

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. (Check.)

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. (Check.)

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. (Check! ADD, ADHD, etc., have suddenly overrun our society.)

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. (Not sure how this is's at least a partial check.)

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. (CHECK!)

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. (Check!)

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. (Check.)

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

It's amazing how the American people have been kept in the dark about these goals, whether an intentional or self-imposed dark. But it sure looks like America has ignored the dangers of Communism while the wolf was making it's way into the sheep pen. Now it's too late, and the American Republic is all but dead, replaced by the very Communism that we've fought so hard against for over 40 years.

Friday, November 16, 2012

BREAKING: Petraeus testifies CIA references to "Al Qaeda involvement" removed from talking points

Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified before a closed-door hearing today that references to "Al Qaeda involvement" were stripped from his agency's original talking points. Corroborated by other intelligence officials, this information strikes another blow at the Obama Administration's handling of the Benghazi Massacre. Now we know for certain that the CIA indicated in it's original memo that the attack was an "al qaeda related terrorist attack" and that they knew right away it wasn't because of a protest over a movie!

The officials were unable to say who changed the talking points. They went out to multiple departments, including the State Department, National Security Council, Justice Department, and White House. Rep. Peter King told Fox News, "I'd say it was somebody in the administration that had to have taken it out. That, to me, has to be pursued."

While it is a "smoking gun" that they were told it WAS a terrorist attack from the beginning by the CIA, proving that Jay Carney, Susan Rice, etc., were spreading a false story about the protest over a movie, I seriously doubt it will be pursued. Who's going to pursue it? The Republicans in the House? They're already being portrayed as "sore losers" in order to discredit them. The Obama Administration is beyond reproach at this point. Even if impeachment proceedings were begun by the House, the Harry "I can't" Reid led Senate would never impeach Obama no matter how damning the info is. Obama is safe.

And why did they lie about it being about a protest over an anti-Islam movie? Because they support blasphemy laws and need to begin to soften the public up over them. They can't get around the First Amendment without help from the sheeple.

The new Cheka hard at work discrediting McCain

Earlier I wrote about the new Cheka and how their goal is the same as the original Cheka in Soviet Russia: silence the opposition. As I wrote, the new Cheka isn't a secret police force; instead it is the people themselves who have been indoctrinated with leftist/Marxist drivel since 6th grade. Well no group in America embodies the new Cheka quite as well as the media...who, over generations, have been bred to repeat leftist ideas instead of critically thinking up any of their own.

Today, the media Cheka are hard at work trying to silence anyone pointing a finger at President Obama or his woefully inept administration concerning the Benghazi massacre. The new object of their ire: Senator John McCain. McCain, already hated by the left for being a war hero (to them there is no such thing as a war hero; anyone involved in war is inherently evil), is now being viciously and repeatedly attacked by the talking heads in the media for questioning Susan Rice's involvement in the incident, her response to it (which turned out to be straight lies), and her part played in trying to obfuscate the facts. Rice, who may be in line to become the new Secretary of State once Hillary retires to focus on her presidential campaign, was the one who took her message of deceit to five morning talk shows 5 days after the Benghazi massacre. You'll remember, she said it was all caused by a protest gone wrong and that there was no proof that it was a premeditated attack.

Well now, Senator McCain, along with Sens. Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte, has said that he will filibuster Rice's nomination as Secretary of State until the Benghazi incident has been fully investigated in public hearings. McCain is calling for Watergate-style hearings into the White House's handling of the incident, including the decrease in security leading up to the attack and the lie about it all being a protest that was spread for two weeks after the attack (before they all agreed that it was indeed terrorism, and that is what they had said all along!).

This incursion into the Marxist regime plan has not been taken lightly by the new Cheka, and the media has responded in scathing, and somewhat predictable, fashion. They are now painting McCain as an Ahab-type figure, who, consumed with his loss to Obama in the 2008 election, is now taking any chance to try and "get back" at Obama. They are saying that his criticism of Susan Rice, as well as the whole Benghazi incident, is simply because he is a sore loser that just won't accept that he lost. Now I am not a huge fan of McCain, but this attack, being repeated at all levels of the media, is completely disingenuous and disgusting. (Not that I should expect different from the "state media.") First off, the Benghazi massacre is not just some "bump in the road," as Obama put it. It's a major, historical event. The death of an ambassador is nothing to sneeze at, and the idea that the death of 4 Americans is not really important is of such anathema to me that I feel that anyone making that case needs a good punch in the nose! I know in America today we are more concerned with who got voted off of Dancing with the Stars than anything that is happening in other parts of the world...and also that life is cheaper than once believed...and that if it doesn't affect me I shouldn't care. I do believe that is what is wrong with America today. A lot of people need punching in the nose!

But to attack John McCain as a sore loser 4 freaking years after he lost seems like a bit of a desperate measure! However, I do know that the American public will eat it up, as anything said on TV is taken as truth by most people who can't be bothered to come up with their own thoughts. This is why the new Cheka is winning in reshaping America into a socialist paradise, and why more and more Americans are becoming a part of the new Cheka. And as mentioned in my last post, this attack on a Republican is all part of the plan. The media are complicit in this plan, and this story is just one example of it. McCain, as well as other Republicans who continue to make trouble for the new Socialist Regime in Washington, will be phased out of the American consciousness over the next 4 years by a lying and traitorous media complex.

Full story

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obama's 2nd term goals: Crush the Middle Class, Republicans

Apparently President Obama gave a press conference today. I don't know, I didn't watch it and I won't watch another television appearance of his again since I already know his plans and that he's just lying most of the time anyway. But in reading about the conference, I see that my predictions regarding his 2nd term plan is starting to take shape. I went over it a little in my last few posts, but I didn't clearly explain it. So I'll do it here.

In this term you will see Obama do two things for sure. One, he will continue to wage war on the bourgeoisie. That is the majority of business owners and middle class. In Marxist terms, the bourgeoisie are the middle class business owners...the petit bourgeoisie are the working middle class. The middle class are seen as evil in Marxism because they own the majority of the businesses and make more money than the general mass of poor workers, the proletariat. And so they need to be crushed. This will be attempted by raising taxes and increasing regulations. So while President Obama says he will help the middle class, his actual goal is to stamp them back down into the proletariat. That's why businesses are being suffocated by taxes and regulations and why unemployment will increase. By crushing the middle class, they will become a part of the proletariat and join the socialist cause, since they will have no other option for surviving. Marxism 101.
It's why, while publicly declaring that we need to tax the rich in order to save the middle class, he has doubled his tax revenue offer to the Republicans in Congress from $800 billion to 1.6 trillion...all but assuring we do indeed go over the fiscal cliff. That IS what he wants.

The second thing he will do this term is inherently connected to that last statement. He will blame the Republicans in Congress...heck, in the whole country, but in Congress particularly...for all the troubles America will soon face. Once we go over the fiscal cliff and Obamacare is fully integrated, as taxes rise on all and more and more people are unable to keep and find work, Americans will be mighty unhappy. But Obama has seen in the last election that people are stupid and willing to believe whatever they hear from the media as true, so he will use their troubles to try to get rid of his enemies across the aisle. The Republican Party is squarely is his crosshairs. Already the media are saying that the Republican Party is dying off because they are old, rich, white men who want to take away womens' right to vote and re-institute slavery. The state media (because let's not be foolish, the big networks ARE now the state run media) will follow their master's lead and continue to lay all the problems of America at the feet of Republicans. He'll say we went over the fiscal cliff because they protected the rich at the expense of the middle class. Even though, as I stated above, it's his plan all along to take America over that cliff in order to hurt the middle class, the media will regurgitate that lie to the people. He'll say that Republicans are stonewalling any efforts in Congress to provide relief for the middle class...even though he will in fact be circumventing Congress with Executive Orders. The media will repeat the lie as will the Obama zombies. As businesses are forced to close and families all across America are forced to cut back, Obama will blame it all on the Republicans. He will...the media will...and the idiots will. Instead of blaming Bush for the next four years, Obama will instead continue to blame each and every problem on the Republican Party. He will seek to make that Party so toxic that America will never trust them again...thus insuring the continued, unmitigated reign of his Socialist-Democratic Party. Today's press conference was only the beginning of this plan.

And while he may (and probably will) do much more during his 2nd term, the two goals he will definitely try to achieve will be to destroy the middle class, and destroy the Republican Party. He's doing a masterful job of it so far...aided by the subjective media, of course...and you can only expect it to continue. Watch for it. At this point, it's all but a guarantee.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hillary skipping Benghazi hearings to go wine tasting

America is dead.

The democratic republic that many (too) good people fought and died for is no more, replaced now by a semi-totalitarian government that "wins" elections through massive fraud and where elected officials are no longer accountable for their actions. You don't have to look any further than Hillary Clinton to see that. The Secretary of State (you know, the Department dedicated to Foreign Affairs...Libya counts right?) will be skipping the Congressional hearings on the Benghazi incident in order to "visit friends" in Australia. According to one report, she may even attend a wine tasting event. How nice.

We've reached the point of no return in America, proven to many (including myself) by last weeks "elections." You know, the ones where Obama won certain precincts in places like Philadelphia and Cleveland by an 100% margin. Yeah. Not one person in those places voted for Romney...even by accident. No wonder all those Democrat Elections Supervisors were kicking all Republicans out of those precincts.

And the biggest proof that America is dead is that no one cares. I mean, 4 people lost their lives (2 at least probably unnecessarily) in Benghazi. But with wine to be tasted, why would Hillary need to concern herself with that? She's only probably in line to be the next president. Why would dead Americans matter to her or the majority of Americans? I mean...I didn't know them, so it doesn't matter to me. Now where's my TV guide?? I have WAY more important things to be concerned with than dead Americans and what our leaders have done about it....American Idol is on tonight!

The Attack on the Bourgeoisie

1911 publication based on a flyer by the "Union of Russian Socialists"

In order to understand what is going on in America today, you need to understand Marxism. Our illustrious president is a bona fide Marxist, and therefore, his policies are as well. Today, there are report after report of business closings and layoffs. Millions are without work and yet, all we see indicates that more will be added to that list. Now that the [fraudulent] election is over, companies are, and will be, laying off more employees as Obamacare and tax hikes begin to go into effect. All of it spells bad news for America's economy. Most people realize this, which is why the Stock Market is tanking. Most people, however, don't realize why it's happening.

It's all part of the plan. The socialist plan, that is, laid out by Karl Marx. You see, according to the socialist, capitalism works like the pyramid above. The mass of people, otherwise known as the proletariat, are just used as the laborers. The proletariat work for the bourgeoisie, the upper-middle class who own the majority of the businesses. The bourgeoisie use the military, or police, force to keep the proletariat down. The religious also help keep the people down, as shown in the third level, because faith in God (called the opiate of the masses by Marx) encourages individualism. (If you have God on your side, you don't really need anyone else.) Finally, the rulers who reap the money from the bourgeoisie and clergy are at the top. All of these groups, according to Marx, keep the majority of people down and use their labors to get rich. Which, of course, is seen as the great injustice of capitalism. (Let's skip right past the part where, in a capitalist society, any one of the proletariat can start a business themselves with good ideas and hard work, thus joining the bourgeoisie in making more money.)

And so the goal of Socialism is to eliminate the levels of the pyramid that keep the proletariat down. To do that, the pyramid must collapse. The levels must all collapse down until there are only two left...the rulers and the proletariat. The goal is to eventually reach communism, where only one level exists and no one, not even the rulers, are better off than anyone else. (Let's also skip the fact that it has never and will never happen anywhere ever!) So in the eyes of the socialists, the upper-middle class majority of business owners are evil, and must be destroyed if the mass of people are ever to be free.

Look around America today. Who is being hurt most by all of Obama's policies? All across this country, business owners are struggling under the tax increases and regulations being imposed by the government. The super businesses will be fine, of course, but every other business owner in America is complaining about how hard the government is coming down on them. It's not by accident. It's all part of Obama's plan to crush the bourgeoisie. And not just business owners will suffer, but all Middle-Class America will, business or not. Because according to Marxism, the middle class is part of the bourgeoisie...and must be pushed back down into the proletariat for the good of the people. Is it any wonder people are saying Middle-Class America will suffer the most under Obama? After all, that is the plan of the Marxist.

Two days after the election, The Blaze reported a few of the layoffs that had taken place those past two days. They include:

• Energizer -
The St. Louis-based company said Thursday that it expects to shed about 1,500 employees. When finished, the restructuring should lead to $200 million in pretax yearly savings, Energizer said. It aims to have most of its restructuring steps finished by the end of September 2014.

• Exide Technologies -
Exide Technologies announced Thursday that it will be idling its lead-recycling operations in Laureldale and laying off 150 workers, effective no later than March 31.

• Westinghouse -
Westinghouse Anniston, the contractor responsible for shutting down Anniston’s chemical weapons incinerator, has reduced its workforce by another 50 employees.

• Research in Motion Limited -
Research in Motion Ltd., the maker of BlackBerry smartphones, laid off about 200 people at its U.S. headquarters in Irving on Wednesday, according to a source close to the company who did not want to be named.

• Lightyear Network Solutions -
More than one dozen employees at a Pikeville company lost their jobs this week. Officials with Lightyear Network Solutions said they are consolidating offices in Louisville and Pikeville to save money.

• Providence Journal -
The Providence Journal Co. laid off 23 full-time workers Wednesday as part of a cost-cutting effort, including 16 members of the Providence Newspaper Guild and 7 non-union employees.

• Hawker Beechcraft -
The company says 240 employees will lose their jobs with the closing of Hawker Beechcraft Services facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Mesa, Ariz.; and San Antonio, Texas.

• Boeing (30% of their management staff) -
Boeing Co. said Wednesday it plans to employ 30% fewer executives at its Boeing Defense, Space & Security unit by the end of 2012 compared to 2010 levels.

Also, numerous businesses were forced to close at locations all across the country. They include:

•Caterpillar Inc. will close its plant in Owatonna Minn.
•Mount Pleasant’s Albrecht Sentry Foods
•The Target store at Manassas Mall Va.
•Millennium Academy in Wake Forest NC
•Target Closing Kissimmee FL Location
•The Andover Gift Shop in Andover MA
•Grand Union Family Markets Closing Storrs Location CT
•Movie Scene Milford Location NH
•Update: TE Connectivity Closing Greensboro Plant – 620 Layoffs Expected
•Gomer’s Fried Chicken in South Kansas City
•Kmart in Homer Glen
•Fresh Market on Pine Street in Burlington
•AGC Glass North America to permanently close its Blue Ridge Plant in Kingsport Tenn.
•The Target store at Platte and Academy in Colorado Springs
•The Roses store on Reynold Road in Winston-Salem NC
•Bost Harley-Davidson at 46th Avenue North and Delaware Ave. in West Nashville TN
•Townsend Booksellers in Oakland
•The Kmart store in Parkway Plaza off University Drive in Durham NC – 79 Jobs Lost

Full listing at The Blaze.

Get used to it, America. The attack on the bourgeoisie has just begun....and it won't end until the middle-class is completely destroyed.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Moscow Politics

The New America was shocked today by the sudden resignation of Gen. David Petraeus as head of the CIA. Gen. Petraeus claimed his resignation was due to an extra-marital affair. While anyone privy to classified intelligence is expected to be removed from power immediately upon the revelation of an affair (for security reasons anyone able to be blackmailed loses their security credentials...or is supposed to), the timing of this resignation raises serious questions. One, while as mentioned, an extra-marital affair should always lead to a resignation of security clearance, this does not always happen within the Washington D.C. sphere. Numerous politicians, pundits, staffers, and governmental workers who have certain security clearance have had affairs that didn't lead to them losing their jobs. Do we need to look any further than Bill Clinton to make that point? If the president of the United States can do it, lie about it under oath, admit it, and come away more popular than before...then how the hell can it be a serious cause for anyone else to resign over!? Again, I get the security concerns...but again, Clinton could also have been blackmailed. Once the affair is made public, the ability to blackmail goes away and the issue dies, at least it did in Clinton's case.

Also, David Petraeus was the highest ranking official to challenge the reports made by the White House over the Benghazi incident. Remember that Petraeus himself said that the CIA gave no orders for anyone to "stand down" that night 4 Americans were murdered. The implication is that either the report from people who were in Benghazi that night was a lie...or that the order to stand down came from somewhere else. The other place it could've came from was the White House itself. (Btw, can I start calling it the Black House, not because Obama is black, but because I'm convinced whoever resides there from now on will be an agent of evil, or will I only be called racist for it??) So now that Petraeus has resigned, guess who won't be testifying at the congressional hearings about Benghazi?? That's right...the highest ranking official who could give an unfavorable account of President Obama's actions. Coincidence? I suppose it's possible...the way that a meteor could possibly fall on my head and crush me in the next five seconds.....nope, didn't happen, I'm still here!
And Andy Levy brought up a great point on RedEye tonight. He said, using his Army background as a reference, that when an official is compromised, they are stripped of command IMMEDIATELY! A currant Special Forces soldier backed him up on that. So if this affair was known about before, then why did it take until now for him to resign/be fired. No, no...the whole thing doesn't make sense. Unless.....

A lot of people have taken to referring to Barack Obama's politics as "Chicago Politics," a term used to denote the cheating, swindling, lying, do anything to win political attitude characterized by many Chicago-bred politicians. However, I don't think that's quite right in it's scale. Obama, while as corrupt as any Chicago politician, is bigger and badder than any dude coming out of Illinois...and that includes Jake Blues! No, Obama's politics are more akin to those of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, of Soviet Russian infamy. His politics are more closely aligned to his Communist philosophies than to any Chicago scandal. (Did you know if you look up the Wikipedia series on Communism, the second person on the list of "Leading Individuals" is Barack Obama?? Seriously. Go check it out before it's removed by one of the new Cheka. I have no idea how that slipped past the Obamunists, but it's pretty funny that it did.)

Obama's new government is more akin to Lenin or Stalin than anything from past America. They're not Chicago politics; they're Moscow politics. And remembering that Marxism was understood and applied differently by different socialist leaders, Obama's new socialism will probably also look different than Lenin's or Stalin's. It already does in many ways, with the slow revolution and indoctrination rather than the quick ones of the past. However, some policies will be the same. Take, for instance, the Petraeus resignation. Joseph Stalin, when he came to power consolidated more power in himself than Lenin did, and he also accused past compatriots of crimes in order to justify silencing them. Trotsky himself, a leading figure in the socialist revolution, was banished (and eventually murdered) at the will of Stalin. Many former leaders met the same fate. Fast forward to America today: Petraeus resigns, the press pounce all over the "scandal" even though their idol Billy Clinton was praised for the same thing. Petraeus now has no credibility to testify against the White House. Hillary Clinton, the second biggest name in the Benghazi scandal, has stated she will also resign early next year. Eric Holder, head of the Justice Department and chief figure in the Fast and Furious scandal, has announced he will resign as well. Notice a pattern here? Any known incident that could be pointed back at Obama will go down on those people's shoulders, far from his own. And they won't be brought up again. Stalin, in what was called "The Great Purge", blamed all his failures on others and had those others removed from office. Sound familiar? Get used to it. Because we've only just begun the second round of Moscow politics. Look for Obama, in this term, to blame all his failures on others in his administration and the Republican Party. Through that, he will simultaneously keep himself clear of any blame, and he will discredit all of his opponents until there is no chance the "mob" will ever believe in or admire a conservative again. The Republican Party will assimilate into Obama's government, or cease to exist. In this term, look for the opponents to be crushed, either by scandal (real or otherwise) or by the new Cheka (the head of Planned Parenthood has already told the GOP to lose the Pro-Life crowd). Look for the new "Great Purge," already begun by the firing of Rear Admirals and Generals who were known to disagree with the White House, to increase in this term until the security of the Democratic-Socialist Party is well in hand for the foreseeable future. That's the next step in the Communist playbook, and so far Obama has been following it all the way. There's no reason to believe he'll stop now.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The new Cheka

"Bolshevik Freedom"

Shortly after the October Revolution of 1917 which formed the first Socialist Soviet Union in Russia, Vladimir Lenin created "The Whole-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage," or Cheka, for short. It was the first of a succession of Soviet state security organizations, initially formed to fight against counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs.

Cheka created 5 classifications that those counter-revolutionaries fell into:
1. any civil or military servicemen suspected of working for Imperial Russia;
2. families of officers-volunteers (including children);
3. all clergy;
4. workers and peasants who were under suspicion of not supporting the Soviet government;
5. any other person whose private property was valued at over 10,000 rubles.

At the direction of Lenin, the Cheka performed mass arrests, imprisonments, and executions of "enemies of the people". In this, the Cheka said that they targeted "class enemies" such as the bourgeoisie (the upper-middle class), and members of the clergy. The first organized mass repression began against the libertarians and socialists of Petrograd in April 1918. Over the next few months, 800 were arrested and shot without trial.
Within a month, the Cheka had extended its repression to all political opponents of the communist government, including anarchists and others on the left.

Many victims of Cheka repression were 'bourgeois hostages' rounded up and held in readiness for summary execution in reprisal for any alleged counter-revolutionary act. Lenin's dictum was: that it was better to arrest 100 innocent people rather than to risk one enemy going free. That ensured that wholesale, indiscriminate arrests became an integral part of the system.
The proceeding crackdown on all who opposed, or were accused of opposing, was given the name "Red Terror."

The stated purpose of the Red Terror was to eliminate counter-revolutionaries who belonged to former "ruling classes". Martin Latsis, chief of the Ukrainian Cheka, explained in the newspaper Red Terror:

"Do not look in the file of incriminating evidence to see whether or not the accused rose up against the Soviets with arms or words. Ask him instead to which class he belongs, what is his background, his education, his profession. These are the questions that will determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror."

Grigory Zinoviev declared in mid-September 1918: "To overcome of our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia's population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated."

In short, the Cheka was the power that forcefully attempted to stamp out all political opposition to the new communist government. They policed labor camps; ran the Gulag system; conducted requisitions of food; subjected political opponents to torture and summary execution; and put down rebellions and riots by workers or peasants, and mutinies in the desertion-plagued Red Army. During the Red Terror, they killed between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people.

In America today, our government is changing. We have elected and re-elected our first Marxist president. The same socialistic ideas that were established by Lenin in 1917 Russia are now beginning to be implemented here. The same ideologies of class warfare and uniting the poor against the rich are being spread by our leaders, just as they were by Lenin and the Soviet leaders of 1917. And just as in 1917, there are groups that oppose such socioeconomic changes. However, in today's world, a violent oppression of such opposition like the one instituted by the Russian Cheka would be immediately condemned...especially in a place such as America. Not saying that a future violent oppression won't happen here, but as of now, it would not be tolerated. And so, a new Cheka is needed in order to progress socialism here (and the rest of the "civilized" world).

In America, the Constitution makes suppression harder than in other parts of the world. The First Amendment protects against the type of censorship that was instituted by Lenin early into the Soviet reign that closed down all newspapers critical of the régime and prevented all state papers from writing anything derogatory about the government. The 2nd Amendment protects the people's right to own weapons, which makes violent suppression harder. Again, not saying that those won't be done away with in a future America, but as for now, they still stand to protect against government suppression to opposition.

But today a new Cheka has been formed. It is no longer a physical arm of the government, as it was in Russia. The American Cheka exists directly in the minds of the American people. It's quite brilliant actually. Instead of a quick revolution, like in Russia in 1917, the move towards socialism here in America has been a slow one. Ronald Reagan warned about it 40 years ago when he quoted the Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas, saying, "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." The slow socialist revolution here in America has also slowly introduced the new Cheka. This new Cheka has been implanted into the very souls of Americans for the past 40 odd years. It started in the schools. The removal of God, prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance from the public schools has since spread into all aspects of public life in America, slowly building the new Cheka. All aspects of opposition to the socialist movement have been weeded out of our minds over the past 40 years, and now there is a whole generation of people who have been groomed to be part of the new Cheka. It is no longer the government that wields the oppressive power for the "revolution;" it is the people themselves.

Let's revisit those classifications of counter-revolutionaries created by the original Russian Cheka.
1. Any civil or military servicemen suspected of working for Imperial Russia.

In today's America, the Justice Department has classified returning veterans as threats to national security, citing instances of soldiers traumatized by war having mental breakdowns and turning their weapons on the general public. While this occurrence happens rarely, the public has been warned to be wary of all military and ex-military personnel.

2. Families of officers-volunteers (including children).

Most military families (including children) support fully the military and those who are in it and, due to their inner knowledge of war and the importance of our military to our freedom, hold conservative values about patriotism, warfare, and the necessity of a strong and active military. Those ideas are today being labeled as "war-mongering" and a strong military is viewed as unnecessary.

3. All clergy.

Perhaps no other group of people has been as demonized in current America as has the "overtly religious." Organized religion has been deemed "old-fashioned" and even foolish in an ever increasingly secular society. Organized religions' stand against abortion and gay marriage has served as a rallying cry to label all who hold such beliefs as "intolerant extremists." In today's America, religious has become synonymous with intolerant, and so is mocked and railed against.

4. Workers and peasants who were under suspicion of not supporting the Soviet government.

In today's America, all people who are considered a certain social, ethnic, or economic group are expected to support one way of it's the Democrat way...all the time, no exceptions. With the advent of a black man as that Democrat, that perception is intensified. Any person of a minority race (or any woman) who supported Mitt Romney for President was vilified in the most vilest of ways.

5. Any other person whose private property was valued at over 10,000 rubles.

Barack Obama has introduced the class warfare of Marx to demonize the wealthy in America today. An increasing number of Americans want to "tax the wealthy" and movements such as Occupy Wall Street are instilling the idea that the rich are the problem. It reached such a frenzied point in the campaign season that Mitt Romney was being criticized for being a successful businessman.

The very same groups who were singled out as opponents to socialism in 1917 are being singled out today. The very same people who were targeted by the original Cheka are being targeted by the new Cheka. Although today, the new Cheka will not bust down your door in the middle of the night and haul you off to a gulag or shoot you. The new Cheka, cultivated in American minds for over 40 years, will oppress you verbally, mentally, and emotionally. The new Cheka lives under the mask of tolerance; it's why those claiming to be the most "tolerant" will lash out in the most intolerant manner towards anyone with a different view. It's because they are not really tolerant, they are the Cheka. The new Cheka has been raised in the minds of the populace; it IS the populace. The new Cheka does the same job as the old Cheka, they only do it in a more subtle manner. And they've disguised their true motive so well that the common person now in America is part of the Cheka. From celebrities to media to teachers and professors, the wave of the new Cheka has swept through the American people until it has overtaken the majority.

Now it does it's work, oppressing any who oppose the rise of socialism here in America. It will label you as racist, misogynistic, homophobic, backwoods, old-fashioned, unintelligent, foolish, Islamophobic, extremist, and any other derogatory name it can think of. It will seek to brand you as something so terrible that no one should ever listen to anything you say again. It will seek to silence you, to intimidate you, to isolate you, to abrogate you, to shut you up any way possible. It still follows Lenin's dictum. That's why anyone who would criticize President Obama is called a racist; it would rather label 100 innocent people as racists than let one person free to speak against it's rulers. Wholesale and indiscriminate targeting is still an integral part of the system. The new Cheka does the exact same job as the original Russian Cheka from 1917: to weed out and indiscriminately eliminate any political opposition. And just like Grigory Zinoviev said in 1918, it's goal is to carry the majority into socialism and annihilate the rest. Although this time it won't do it through the force of violence, it will do it through the force of the populace.
That is the new Cheka. This is the new Red Terror.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

National Suicide or a Call to Arms?

Great article by Craig Andresen over at The National Patriot.


Who would have guessed that Americans would enjoy free birth control pills, punishing success, food stamps, welfare, reduced freedoms, a weak national defense, appeasement of Islamists, high unemployment, a staggering and growing national debt, borrowing money from China, jacking up taxes, government control of your healthcare decisions and killing their unborn children to this degree?

Who would have guessed that the American people would just keep digging from the bottom of a mine shaft to nowhere?

What’s the matter America?

Gas prices not high enough yet?

Your share of the national debt hasn’t hit 4 times your annual salary?

The dollar hasn’t been devalued far enough yet to suit you?

Not enough Constitution hating legislators on the Supreme Court yet?

What is it for Christ’s sake???

What’s it gonna take to wake up more than just die-hard engaged conservatives???

The Arab Spring Parade down Main Street of YOUR town?

I mean…Detroit is a rat hole and Dearbornistan is being run by the Muslim Brotherhood and yet, Michigan still votes for socialists.

On the East Coast…New York and New Jersey…people are homeless and those who still have a home don’t have electricity, don’t have heat, can’t buy gas, garbage and debris is everywhere and non union workers are chased out of town but, THEY still vote for MORE government.

The SAME “more government” who isn’t doing a damned thing to help them.

Hey…Jersey…Staten Island…Not thirsty enough yet???

Maybe we just don’t have enough Americans getting killed by terrorists on the other side of the world because the very people who should be protecting them AREN’T and they’re telling those who COULD have to “STAND DOWN!!”

Conservatives have had quite enough thank you very much but…

Read the rest of this entry >>


The Ulsterman Report posted this article about Valerie Jarrett last week. Jarrett, Obama's top adviser (openly called Obama's brain), seemed to believe that Obama's reelection was inevitable. During a visit from one of her representatives to Chicago, an undocumented source spoke of the meeting:

"The part that really stuck out to me was when I overheard the rep say that Jarrett told them, 'After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.' She was talking directly to about three of them. Sr. staff. And she wasn’t trying to be quiet about it at all. And they were all listening and shaking their heads and smiling while she said it. Pretty creepy.

Why are they so confident about winning next week? We aren’t getting any numbers in the office that has any of us knowing Obama will win. It will be close. Jarrett and her people seem so confident. Why is that? Do you have any information on why she is so confident? I’m worried. Benghazi was supposed to play big this weekend. That is what everybody here was bracing for last week. You could really tell the staffers were freaking out. Now nobody is talking about it. Like it was never a concern. Like it never even happened."

While this amounts to heresay from an unidentified source, and therefore cannot be confirmed, it does, if true, raise some pretty grim questions about Obama's reelection and 2nd term. Again, this may not be true...however, my gut instinct from the beginning was that Obama would be reelected. I believed the movement was too big for those who believe in it to let it fail, and that no amount of fraud or deception would be spared in order to get Obama reelected. If you think it's about one man, then you're sorely mistaken. This movement towards socialism is far bigger and broader than just one man. Obama is just the mouthpiece; the real leaders of the movement are behind the scenes. And those leaders will stop at nothing to change America into what they want it to be. With a people so easily led, the change is inevitable. Like Adolf Hitler said, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."

Obama's reelection isn't all bad though. In the late 1700's, a Scottish professor, Alexander Tyler, wrote about democracy and it's inevitable collapse. He used the past republics of Greece and Rome as examples. He postulated that republics only last about 200-300 years, and that they always collapse in like manner:

"'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.'

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage."

It was Patrick Henry, in his great "Give me Liberty or Death" speech, that said, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past." The past tells us that no great democracy has ever survived. No matter whether we like it or not, America cannot continue to exist as a democratic republic. History proves as much. And so there is no other path than the path towards bondage. It's inevitable. So Obama's reelection is a good thing in that it will hasten that outcome. When, and only when, the majority are aware of that can the people unite and fight for their freedom. In the years leading up to the American Revolution, the population was about 20% Patriots, 20% loyalists, and 60% undecided. Only when the British troops arrived did the majority join the fight for freedom.

Today in America, the majority are deceived and pacified with gifts from the treasury. The slide into bondage is progressing as foreseen. With Obama's reelection, we have taken the final step into dependence. Which means the fight for freedom is one day closer. It's inevitable. And because it's inevitable, I applaud Obama's reelection...because only when the majority begin to suffer the ill effects of socialism will they begin to understand the need for freedom. With Obama's reelection, that will happen sooner rather than later. And since it's inevitable, the sooner it happens the easier it will be to win the fight. Make no mistake; history proves the fight will need to happen. Whether the people will be strong enough to win back America for liberty, I do not know. But I do know that the sooner it happens, the better it will be. It's inevitable, so I'd rather it happen soon while the people are strong enough to win.

Let us now, Patriots, not be ignorant of the past, and therefore, the future. Let us not despair at President Obama's reelection. Let us understand the need for a future revolution, if only one of hearts and minds. Let us be aware that it is the path that we are on, and that it is the only way our children will live in freedom. It is not the future we want for our children, but it IS the future they will have. Today is the day we realize that America can no longer be turned back. There is no other outcome. It is inevitable.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Democrat, Black Panther shenanigans in Philly

The controversy started early in Philadelphia today. The City of Brotherly Love was anything but as Republican poll watchers were removed from dozens of polling places this morning. The Philadelphia GOP is reporting that court appointed Minority Inspectors (Republicans) were being thrown out of polling locations in several Wards. These Inspectors are being told by the Head Judges of Elections that they are not allowed at these sites, and some were removed, one forcibly. The Philly GOP went to a judge who issued a court order allowing these officials into the polling sites, and some have been escorted back into the sites by police. It's being blamed on confusion and a mistake with the list of Inspectors. Odd the list only kept Republicans off...

Also, members of the New Black Panther Party were once again seen outside voting sites in some Philadelphia Wards...although without the billy clubs this time. They have said they are only there to prevent voter suppression, not to cause it.

As a Pennsylvania voter, these tactics are disappointing and disgusting and I pray they don't affect the outcome. I'm sure glad Obama has got America on the right path....

Full story here.

Obamacare: A Line in the Sand

Well today's the day. The polls here on the East Coast just opened. Today, hundreds of local and state races will be decided, to go along with the presidential and Congressional races. But how can one decide on two seemingly similar candidates? Well this year offers an unusually simple way to help decide if a candidate is for bigger government control or less: Obamacare. What a candidate says really doesn't matter at this time of year, because what they say may not be a good indicator of what they will do if elected. (See Obama 2008; debt reduction) However Obamacare is a main topic this year...and it offers a nice line in the sand. If you support Obamacare, you probably support a bigger government controlling individuals lives; if you oppose it, you probably think people should have more control over their life than the government does.

In a time when it can be hard to determine what candidate represents you best...that choice offers a window into the soul, so to speak. I've noticed here in Pennsylvania that every candidate up for election has made a distinction which side of that decision they stand on, from candidates for U.S. Senate right down to state attorney general. In a busy and complicated season, it sure makes voting decisions a lot easier. That alone doesn't constitute how an official will behave if elected...but it's a clear line on which way they will lean. So if you plan on voting today, make sure to find out what a candidate thinks about may be all you need to know about who wants the government to run your life and who doesn't!

Where I live in PA:

U.S. Senate: Tom Smith opposes Obamacare / Bob Casey helped get it passed

U.S. House of Representatives 11th District: Lou Barletta opposes Obamacare / Gene Stilip supports it

State Senate 15th District: John McNally opposes Obamacare / Rob Teplitz supports it

State Attorney General: David Freed opposes Obamacare / Kathleen Kane supports it (and says she'll remove PA from the lawsuit against the federal government concerning it)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Simply Put, Now is A Time for Choosing

There is so much hoopla when it comes to political elections, that it can be hard to know which candidate will actually serve us best. Most people look for minute differences between candidates in order to make their decision. And sometimes, you can't be sure what you're going to get from your candidate of choice once they reach office. But not this year. This year, the candidates are dramatically different, mostly because their ideologies are drastically different. Honestly, this election is not between two men. It isn't between Republican and Democrat. It isn't between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. It's between ideas...two very different and dramatic ideas.

Simply put, this election is between capitalism and communism.

Capitalism is what America has been founded on, and what it's prospered on. Communism is what has driven millions into a life of despair and darkness. All you need to do is to look at past and present socialist nations to see that. The USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and even parts of Europe today, with it's softer socialism, are lands filled with hopelessness, despair, anger, and frustration. Socialism has never worked to bring about a peaceful, successful communism. It never has in all of human history. It never will. It can only cause strife, division, poverty, totalitarianism, and depression. Patrick Henry said that one can only judge the future by the past. The past tells us that communism/Marxism/ socialism...statism in whatever form only serves to bring people into bondage. This is the choice before America in this election. And while the path towards socialism will not be reversed with this one election, it can at least be halted. Tomorrow we can prevent America from being driven over that ideological cliff in the next few years by voting Barack Obama out of office and electing Mitt Romney. Then, and only then, can we begin to pull ourselves back up and out of the grasp of big government, big taxes, and big control over our lives. Then we can begin to elect officials on every level who will help to secure our liberties instead of erode them. We must be strong, and we must be vigilant, for the spectre of big government will always seek to overwhelm us. But tomorrow, we can stem the tide and we can stop the bleeding. And we can secure the American Dream, at least for a few years more.

Now is a time for choosing.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Obama says "we" knew recovery would take more than one term

At a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin yesterday, President Obama has, once again, tried to erase history. (He seems to be doing a lot of that lately.) While talking about the economy and his plan for recovery, the president had this to say:

"Now, we knew from the beginning that our work would take more than one year, or even one term -- because let's face it, the middle class was getting hammered long before the financial crisis hit."

Wait...what? "We" knew it would take more than one term to fix the economy, did "we"? Did "we" also forget about this:

So, once again, (and I can't stress that phrase enough!) President Obama has said one thing....and now is saying another. He tells us that "we" knew from the beginning. So then, ONCE AGAIN, either the president really did know something from the beginning (ahem, Benghazi) and intentionally straight LIED to the American people...or he's not very good at this whole president thing. You decide which, America.

My lord, I can't believe people are still supporting this man.....
Full story here.

"Voter fraud doesn't happen here!"

Or so the left-wing media wants you to believe. Yet, already in the past few weeks we've had more stories that stir up the debate than I can shake a stick at. And you know I can shake a lot of sticks!

The first story that caught my attention was about fraudulent letters sent to Florida Republicans in 18 different counties. The letters "inform" the recipients that there is a problem with their voting registration and they are therefore ineligible to vote. The letters appear to come from the office of the Florida elections supervisor, but were actually sent from Washington state. The absence of a return address was a red flag to some recipients who alerted the authorities. The FBI is now investigating.
While this is not linked to any official group, it is a clear attempt to deceive people...Republicans...into not voting.

The second story was about voting machines recording votes for Barack Obama when the voter actually chose Mitt Romney's name. In North Carolina, at the Bur-Mil Park polling location in Guilford County, Sher Coromalis was just one voter who encountered this problem. She chose Romney; it entered a vote for Obama. She tried again; again it entered a vote for Obama. Finally on the third try, it correctly entered the vote for Romney. For those counting at home: that's two votes for Obama, one for Romney. Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert told MyFox8 that such problems arise every election and can be resolved after machines are re-calibrated. "It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” Gilbert said. While I do believe bugs like this will happen from time to time with voting machines, it's pretty interesting all the "errors" work in the Democrat's favor. Similar stories are coming out of Nevada and Ohio as well.

Also in North Carolina, Democrats have been caught violating state laws in order to get more votes for Obama. Two vans of students who worked at the North Carolina Job Corps were transported to the Swain County voting location in order to cast their votes. The problem was that the vans were Swain County Transit Vehicles, which are funded by the federal government. The Hatch Act states that federal employees "may not engage in political activity while using a government vehicle." Not a major violation, but breaking a law nonetheless. Not to mention the numerous reports about possible illegals being bused to polling stations across the country...

North Carolina (aside from having a lot of fraud) also has a lot of old people casting their votes. And I mean OLD people. NC voter rolls show that the Tar Heel State has 2,214 voters that are OVER 110 years old. That is A LOT of old people! Shockingly (not), most of these voters are Democrats. The Carolina Transparency project did a review of voter rolls this year and have found that there are 631 registered Democrats that are 112 and older! Some have already voted. Also two people OVER 150 (YES, 150!!!) have already cast their ballots! One in Gaston County is registered as 154 years old while one in Granville County is listed as an astonishing 160 years old! To give an idea of the magnitude of that, the oldest recorded age is 122 and the oldest disputed age is 138! We better get Guinness to North Carolina fast...they've got TWO Democrats who beat that by a long shot!
Officials say that isn't necessarily evidence of fraud, and that it may just be evidence of poor information gathering. Um, ok...if you say so.

The most damning evidence, however, comes out of Virginia from Congressman Jim Moran's son, Patrick. Patrick Moran headed up his father's campaign. Past tense. Not too long ago, Project Veritas (the group that helped bust ACORN by documenting their attempts at fraud) secretly recorded video of Patrick Moran telling the undercover reporter how to get away with casting multiple votes under different names. He told the reporter to fake utility bills and to make sure the people who's names they were planning to vote under were definitely not going to vote by contacting them pretending to be pollsters. The worst part of this is the ease with which Moran offers this advice. There's no reticence, no seems like this is just another day at the office for Mr. Moran. That attitude leads me to believe voter fraud is not only going on...but that it's become no big deal for some politicians. And if that's their attitude, then how can you deny this isn't a normal occurrence? Patrick Moran has since resigned from his father's campaign, which released a statement saying Patrick's actions were "an error in judgement." He said he was only joking. Isn't it nice to be a politician (or politician's son in this case)? You can get caught directly trying to orchestrate a felony, and then simply claim it was a joke and an "error in judgement" and get away scot free!

Some of these stories will turn out to be just coincidences...others, not so much. What is true, though, is that we as a nation can (and should) no longer dismiss stories of voter fraud as pure mularky, as Joe Biden would put it. If we, as America, begin to enact the same kind of dubious voting processes as Russia or Venezuela...then our Republic is all but over. And if we fail to protect the integrity of the voting process, that's exactly what's going to happen....if it isn't already. So next time someone tells you that voter fraud doesn't happen here, channel your inner Joe and tell 'em: "That's mularky!"

Is Pennsylvania in play?

For the last few weeks, we in Pennsylvania have excitedly watched the poll numbers of Barack Obama go down...down...down. The closer we get to the election, the more the polls reflect a shift away from Obama and towards Mitt Romney. In Pennsylvania, a state that hasn't gone for a Republican since 1988, this signals a dramatic that I hope is indicative of the rest of the country.

In light of these numbers, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are headed to the great state of PA this upcoming weekend to try and secure the upset. Romney will visit Philadelphia (the bastion of liberalism in PA) Sunday, and Ryan will be in Harrisburg on Saturday. Since Harrisburg isn't all that far from where I live, I'm contemplating going to see him. Of course it's at the airport and you still have to go through airport security, so I'm weighing whether seeing Ryan is worth the physical molestation I'll have to endure from the TSA. But I digress.

Will Pennsylvania go for Romney? Probably not, as the most populous cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh control the vote and they vote exclusively Democrat. Insert annoyance about the electoral collage here. But the fact that the poll numbers are so close and people are declaring the state a toss up when it hasn't been tossed to a Republican in 20 years is a good sign that the reign of Obama may be nearing it's end. If PA is considered a toss up, then regular toss ups like Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina should be leaning strongly for Romney. And that means the election should be as well. For America's sake, let's hope that's true.